Can an Online Course Change Your Life?

Think back through your life. What are the key times when your life was changed for the better? You know, those times when the light bulb comes on and you understand life at a new level. The times when your heart was touched and healed and you were able to experience new peace. The times when someone speaks a word that that brings deliverance and healing to your soul.


Ways God Brings Change

I know in my own life that God has used a huge variety of things to help me experience life as He intends it to be.  God has touched my life through dear friends who love me and live life with me. He has used special meetings like the revival meetings taking place at Pensacola, Florida, the ministry of Cleansing Stream, and Restoring the Foundations to change and transform my life.

He’s used the words in books, sermons, and even events streamed over the internet to impact my life. He’s used instructors and fellow students in my educational pursuits to touch my life for good. God uses many things to in the process of change.

I’m thankful that God uses a wide variety of ways to touch our lives. He’s a God of variety and can use the simplest things to change our lives forever. It only takes one revelation to change an area of our lives forever.

So let’s answer the question raised in the title of this post Can an Online Course Change Your Life? Yes. Yes, it can!

Taking the Next Step

Experiencing His Victory is moving into the second phase of the dream God placed in my heart over two-and-a-half years ago. That is offering free and premium high-quality video training to help people experience the healing and delivering power of Jesus Christ.

Over the next year, you’ll begin to see video courses released a lesson at a time. The first free course is Who You Are in Christ. When completed, it will contain 30 videos declaring who the Bible says you are in Christ.

When the Experiencing His Victory Academy opens on May 1st, the course will have the first two videos called You’re a Child of God and You Are a New Creation in Christ.  Future videos will cover topics like: You are a Saint, You are a Branch, You are a Sheep, and You are Justified by Faith.

Over time there will be other free courses dripped out one video at a time until they’re complete. A couple of possible titles are Getting to Know God and Next Steps with God. I have a lot of plans for the future. It’ll just take time and patience to see them come about.

The First Premium Course

The first premium course offered at the EHV Academy is called Healing Your Broken Heart. The goal of this course is seen in its title. It is designed to help walk you through a proven process and heal areas of your life that are causing pain.

Instead of me typing out a long description of the course, I’ve decided to let you watch the course’s introduction video. It will help you see what the course is all about and see the quality of the course material.

Healing Your Broken Heart Video Course

Click the button to find out more.

About the author 

Terry Tuinder

Terry Tuinder is the founder of Experiencing His Victory. His experience includes thirty-four years of pastoral ministry, an earned Doctor of Ministry degree from The King's University, and twenty-two years involvement in deliverance ministry. He helps people experience life as God intends it to be.

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