The Father’s Blessing

This is the final article of the Eight Steps to Experiencing His Victory series. Over the past year, we’ve looked at the various things God uses to bring freedom into our lives. The first step begins with your relationship with God. We must see Him as He truly is and comes to Him as our savior and lover of our souls.

This blog post is part 40 of the series Eight Steps to Experiencing His Victory

God is love and He is inviting us into the love relationship of the Trinity. It all begins with God and it all ends with God. This final post is called The Father's Blessing. In it, I want to speak a blessing over you as if it were coming from the mouth of the Father directly to you.

Everything I say will be from the Bible. I believe it is God’s heart for each of us. May you hear God’s heart toward you in the words I am about to write.

The Father’s Heart Toward You

My beloved child. Yes, you. You are My beloved child and there is no one else like you on the face of the earth. You are My special creation.

May You Know How Unique and Special You Are

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are not an accident. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. My thoughts about you are precious. They are so many that if you could count them they would be greater than the sands of the earth.

If only you knew the thoughts that I have toward you. If you could hear them you would be amazed. For My thoughts for you are for peace and not evil. I want to give you a future and hope.

My plans for you were formed before I created the heavens or the earth. My purpose for you was set before you were even born. My gifts and calling are without repentance. I have never changed your purpose.

No matter where you have been or what you have done, My call for your life remains the same. I have not changed My mind.

I am calling you into the fullness of My purpose for your life. Choose today to accept the entirety of My call. Reject the things of the past which are hindering you. Lay aside everything that doesn’t look like Me. Put on everything I have freely given to you.

Listen. Can you hear it? That still, small voice deep within your heart calling you to greatness is My purpose for your life. Believe it. Receive it. Walk in it.

May You know the Love I Have for You

I have loved you with an everlasting love. There is no beginning or end to My love. My love for you has not changed one day of your life. I cannot love you any more or any less than I do at this moment.

I have proved My love for you in sending My Son, Jesus. Your sin had caused a great gulf between us that you could never cross by yourself. I did the only thing that could ever repair the breach and bring you into My arms.

Jesus took your place on the cross. He bore your sin. He bore your shame. He took all the wrath that you deserved and took it upon Himself. He became sin for you so you can be forgiven. He became a curse for you so that you could receive His blessing.

You are my beloved child. I have adopted you into My family. You are wanted. You are loved. I cherish you.

I am your Father. The moment you believed in My Son Jesus, you became My son, My daughter. You now have a new family heritage and inheritance that comes from Me. All things become new.

I take great delight in you and nothing can separate you from My love. Nothing. Neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate you from My love.

It is on the basis of this love that I release this blessing over you today.

The Father’s Blessing

May you receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Me. May the eyes of your heart be opened so that you might know the hope of your calling and the riches of your inheritance in the saints.

May your mind be renewed and your life transformed as you read and hear My word. May you be changed from glory to glory into the image of Christ.

May you cast down everything that seeks to exalt itself against a true knowledge of Me. May you take every thought captive that comes into your mind by the power of My Spirit. May you destroy every stronghold of the enemy that has been formed in your life over the years.

May your mind dwell and think upon whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, and is excellent and worthy.

May you be strengthened with power through the Holy Spirit in your inner man so you might be rooted and grounded in My love. May you comprehend what is the breadth, and length, and height, and depth of My love for you so that you can be filled up with My fullness. May you experience in your heart My love that surpasses understanding.

May you take up the full armor that I have provided you to fight against the schemes of the enemy: My truth, the righteousness of Christ, the Gospel of peace, faith in Me, and My powerful word empowered by the Spirit.

May you be strong in Me and the power of My might. May you experience the surpassing greatness of My power that I am working in My strength and might. May you be strengthened with all power according to My glorious might.

May you be filled with a knowledge of My will with all spiritual wisdom and knowledge. May your love abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless, until the day of Christ.

May Christ dwell in your heart by faith. May you experience My peace that passes all understanding. May you walk in a manner worthy of being a child of God. May you be sincere and blameless. May you be pleasing in all aspects. May your bear fruit for every good work. May you attain steadfastness and patience proving in your life what is My good, acceptable and perfect will.

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About the author 

Terry Tuinder

Terry Tuinder is the founder of Experiencing His Victory. His experience includes thirty-four years of pastoral ministry, an earned Doctor of Ministry degree from The King's University, and twenty-two years involvement in deliverance ministry. He helps people experience life as God intends it to be.

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