Who You Are in Christ You Are God’s Own Possession

If you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, then you’re God’s Own Possession.

Have you ever heard the King James Version of the Bible talk about God’s peculiar people? If you have, I’m sure that you also had someone rise up and say, “That’s good because I’m peculiar.” They were meaning strange or goofy, but that is not what the word means at all.

The New American Standard Bible says it this way, we are “a people for God’s own possession.” The Greek meaning of the word peculiar speaks of you and I being God’s possession or special treasure.

God Wants a Relationship With You

God is all about relationship and He wants one with you. You are His own special possession. He loves you and wants you as His own. His desire for such a relationship is clearly seen in the various word pictures God uses throughout Scripture to seek to describe it.

God is Your Father

God is your Father. Jesus pretty much called God the Father any time He spoke about Him. He was showing the intimacy of a family that had a father who was present and filled with love.

Many times we struggle with the issue as God being a father because of the struggle we had with our own fathers, but God is nothing like your father, even if you had a good one. He’s an amazing, one-of-a-kind father who loves you and has your best interests in mind.

When you came to Jesus, He gave you the right to become a child of God. You entered into a new relationship with God whereby you can call Him, Abba, similar to our use of daddy. It’s a personal, informal, and intimate way of addressing God.

The Scriptures speak of God being a Father to the fatherless. Whether you relationship with your father was good, bad, or nonexistent, you have a new father who sees you as His. You are His special treasure.

God is Your Husband

God is also seen in Scripture as your Husband. This may seem very strange to men, but it is true for us too. Those who trust in Christ are called the bride of Christ. The idea of marriage is that two people agree to commit their lives to one another until death. They enter into a covenant to remain faithful to one another no matter the cost.

When you came to Christ as savior it’s like you entered into a marriage covenant. When you said “I do” to God, you become His and He becomes yours. You are now part of one another.

God is Your Friend

God is your friend. What I have in mind when using the word friend is not the flippant way we throw the word around speaking of anyone with which we have an acquaintance. I am talking about the deep and unshakable friendships that we have with only a few people in our lifetime.

I’m talking about the kind of friend that will lay down his or her life for you. Someone who sticks closer than a brother. The one who will be with you through thick and thin. One who will walk with you through the good times and the bad.

Friendship also speaks of sharing one’s heart with one another. A huge part of that is knowing what the other is thinking. God desires to share and reveal the deepest part of His being to us.

God is Your Shepherd

God is your shepherd. The quality of the sheep is directly related to the love and diligence of the shepherd. God is committed to see you prosper. He is there to provide your needs, to lead you to green pastures, to give you peace and rest.

He’s with you as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death and there in the presence of your enemies to keep you safe and secure. Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd who was willing to lay down His life for the sheep.

God is Your Savior

God is your savior. This is the most amazing picture we have from Scripture. We can look at this from two different perspectives. First the Father loved you so much that He was willing to send Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the sins of the world. God wanted you to be with Him so much that He was willing to see Jesus die on the cross if it would bring you to Himself.

Jesus loved you so much that He was willing to lay down His life for you. Don’t forget that Jesus is God. We believe in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are equally God.

Jesus paid the price for your sin so you could be reunited with God and live forever with Him. There is no greater gift that a person can give, than to give his life for you. That’s exactly what Jesus did. He died for you.

The Bible says that you’ve been purchased with a price. The blood of Jesus paid the full penalty for your and sin and allows God to have you as His own.

You Are God's Treasure

Never forget that you’re God’s treasure. He loves you and wants to be with you. He’s your father, your husband, your friend, your shepherd, and your savior. You are God’s own possession.

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About the author 

Terry Tuinder

Terry Tuinder is the founder of Experiencing His Victory. His experience includes thirty-four years of pastoral ministry, an earned Doctor of Ministry degree from The King's University, and twenty-two years involvement in deliverance ministry. He helps people experience life as God intends it to be.

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